Grease Trap Cleaning

Commercial Kitchen Cleaning, Inc. has serviced grease traps in New Jersey and Rockland County NY for years. We offer the best quality kitchen grease trap cleaning with an eco-friendly conscience. Don’t wait until you have a problem! Let us maintain and service your grease traps now!

Clean-Grease-Traps-NJ-NYCleaning and removing grease trap waste should be a high priority for any restaurant or commercial kitchen in the New Jersey and New York area.

The DEP requires all restaurants to have grease traps installed to prevent sewer system backups. Proper disposal of grease and cleaning of restaurant grease traps is required by the DEP by a licensed and insured company such as Commercial Kitchen Cleaning, Inc.

Beyond the lawful reasons to maintain your grease traps, proper periodic maintenance can help prevent foul odors and restore proper flow to the system.

We recommend that you maintain your grease trap in order to prevent backups, clogs and smells. We provide scheduled appointments 24 hours a day for your convenience as well as prompt response time for your emergency needs.

Commercial Kitchen Cleaning, Inc. is the most trusted name in grease trap cleaning services in New Jersey and Rockland County, NY.

Grease Trap Cleaning

• We vacuum grease, oil, and food particles from your grease trap.

• We run water to make sure your grease traps are fully functional and flowing properly.

• We add a biological enzyme solution that facilitates drainage and keeps grease trap smell to a minimum.

• If needed, we can re-gasket your grease trap covers.

• We will properly dispose of your grease trap waste by following strict DEP and EPA regulations.

• Green cleaning and the use of eco-friendly cleaning products have become an important part of the services that Commercial Kitchen Cleaning, Inc. offers restaurants, industry and schools.

Why Green Cleaning Products and Green Cleaning Methods?

Commercial-Kitchen-Cleaning-Green-SealFor over 40 years, Commercial Kitchen Cleaning, Inc. has focused on the health of our workers and clients. Today, improvements in environmentally safe cleaning products have nearly eliminated the need for harsh cleaning chemicals. These environmental policy changes translate into real health benefits for both our clients and our employees.

Commercial Kitchen Cleaning, Inc. selected our cleaning products based on safety, performance and price. Our main focus remains the protection of our employees, our clients and their employees at the facilities where we offer our cleaning services. To provide our clients with the best quality green clean services, we have selected an established line of green cleaning products. Since cleaning product companies provide more environmentally friendly cleaning products, it is now much easier for us to provide healthier cleaning products and environmentally responsible cleaning practices.

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